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Remezov S. U.
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Remezov S. U.
Semyon Ulyanovich Remezov (1642-after 1720) was a Russian geographer, architect, builder of the only stone kremlin in Siberia in Tobolsk, compiler of the first Siberian atlases and drawings, and the first local historian of Siberia. His research marked the beginning of the study of individual regions of the Russian state. Born in 1642 in the city of Tobolsk. He began the sovereign's service as an ordinary Cossack in 1668. In 1682, for his zeal in the service, he received the title of son of a boyar, and was transferred to his native Tobolsk. Semyon Remezov's activities during this period are diverse – he took part in repelling the raids of nomadic tribes from the territory of modern Kazakhstan, in clashes with armed groups of Voguls and Tatars, collected taxes, founded new villages and conducted a population census.
In 1697, he became the designer and head of the construction of the only stone Kremlin in Siberia in Tobolsk – he drew up drawings of the stone fortifications of the city, calculated the cost of work and supervised their implementation. According to Remezov's drawings, the most important administrative buildings – the Prikaznaya Chamber and Gostiny Dvor-were also erected in Tobolsk. He developed an exemplary project of a stone house for mass private development. In Tyumen, in the Trinity Monastery, the Peter and Paul Church was built according to the project of Remezov. He drew up not only plans for the state-owned Kamensky metallurgical plant, but also drawings of the artillery pieces and cannonballs produced there. Semyon Remezov is the author of the works "On the borders and boundaries of All Siberia", "Likening the Siberian countries", "Description of Siberia", etc. Historical-toponymic and ethnographic-geographical problems of the origin of the peoples of Siberia are considered by Remezov in "Description of the Siberian peoples and the facets of their lands" (1697-1698). The events of the annexation of Siberia are described by him in the illustrated "Remezov Chronicle", consisting of the "History of Siberia" (90-ies. XVII century.) and "Chronicles of the Siberian brief Kungur" (after 1703). In the literature, the chronicle is known as the "Remezovskaya Chronicle"," Tobolsk Chronicle"," Brief Siberian Chronicle "or"Kungurskaya Chronicle". But in the history of Russia Remezov entered, first of all, as a cartographer. In 1689, Remezov was certified by the Tobolsk voivode A. P. Golovin as an experienced draftsman. In 1693, he tried his hand at icon painting. In 1695, Remezov designed the emblems for seven regimental banners, and then, with his own money, made the banners themselves (perhaps some of them are kept among those that were sent to Moscow from Tobolsk in the early XIX century and until recently were known as"Yermak's banners").
Living at the end of the XVII century in Tobolsk, he made maps of both individual parts of Siberia and its entire vast territory from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean. Remezov's maps contain not only geographical, but also important historical information on the early period of the history of Siberia and the Urals. Drawings and atlases of Semyon Remezov Most of the maps of S. Remezov are collected in three unique"books" -atlases: "Chorographic Drawing Book", original-Gufton Library, Harvard College Library N59-2045, published by The Atlas of Siberia by Semyon U. Remesov. Facsimile edition with an introduction by Leo Bagrow. s'gravenhage, 1957; "Drawing Book of Siberia 1701", original-Department of manuscripts of the Russian State Library (Moscow), Rumyantsev Collection N346, published: "Drawing Book of Siberia, compiled by the son of the Boyar Semyon Remezov in 1701", St. Petersburg, 1882 and "Service Drawing Book", original-Department of manuscripts of the Russian National Library (St. Petersburg) Hermitage Collection N237.
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Source: POSREDI.RU -
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Remezov S. U.
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